Nonprofit + NGOs

“Nonprofits are the intermediaries between generosity and social change.”

Laura Arrillaga-Andreessen | Philanthropist, Educator, Author

Nonprofit and non-government organizations are driving social change through their missions across a variety of sectors. The National Council of Nonprofits (NCN) is working to identify how to build the core values of diversity, equity, and inclusion into all their nonprofit organizations, while modeling those values as they advance their own mission. Our solutions are designed to reflect this call to action and leverage the practice pointers and action planning resources curated by the Council.

  • Transformational Training

    As nonprofits embark (or continue) on an intentional journey to assess how they can champion diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging as values, there are certain considerations that are transformational to an organization’s culture. Our six training modules can be customized to meet the needs of any organization, taking into consideration the audience and sphere of influence. A few recommended topics by NCN include terms and definitions, understanding your team’s (and your own) unconscious biases, and creating organizational DEIB values. For organizations further along in their journey, It’s a Privilege can create customized trainings to support your next mile marker.

  • Leadership Workshops

    Nonprofits + NGOs often benefit from a purpose-driven board of directors who roll up their sleeves and work alongside their leadership team. Our workshops offer space for your leadership team and board to LEARN alongside one another, focusing on specific DEIB goals of your organization. Using a short needs assessment, our consultants design experiences that allow your team to discover, explore, and be inspired, leaving with stronger skill sets, more effective behaviors, and new insights. Teams dig deeper into concepts like building core values of DEIB into operations, inclusive ways to navigate resource scarcity, building equity into nonprofit finance.

    National Council of Nonprofits Core Values

  • Strategic Collaboration

    There is always a vision that serves as a North Star for any strategic endeavor, and nonprofits + NGOs are uniquely positioned to follow that star without the limitations that shareholders or government funding often bring. Our approach is grounded in collaborative conversations rather than rigid planning, facilitating discussions with leadership teams that normalize challenging the status quo, and embrace discomfort and imperfection. Leveraging NCN’s “Questions to Consider When Creating a DE&I Action Plan for Your Nonprofit”, our consultants work with your team to build a targeted roadmap flexible enough to adjust to the unpredictable challenges that exist in DEIB strategic goals.

If you’re interested in learning more about our solutions for your nonprofit or NGO, take a couple minutes to fill out the form below. We’ll get back to you in two business days with the information you inquired about and an option to schedule a FREE initial consultation if you’re interested.

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